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Summer Work 

6th Grade Math Summer Work


Incoming Sixth Graders,


You will be responsible for completing 10 practice assignments on Khan Academy.  In order to do so, cut and paste this link into the URL address box, hit enter, then follow these steps.


To find the practice assignments:

Step 1: Log into Khan Academy using your All Saints email address and password.

Step 2:  Click on Assignments at the top of the page.

Step 3:  Click on the desired assignment you want to complete.

Step 4:  Complete the assignment through Khan Academy.  You may watch the video tutorials and use hints if needed.


Steps to follow if you do not see the Summer Work:

Step 1:  Log into Khan Academy using your All Saints email address and password

Step 2:  Click on “Coaches” at the top of the page.

Step 3:  Type “HKTHZT8T” where the webpage says “Join Class”.  Your assignments should now be visible.


All assignments will be due the first day of school. Please email Mrs. Haller or Ms. Luce with any questions.


Be sure to only complete the lessons that have been assigned.





7th Grade Math Summer Work


Incoming Seventh Graders,


You will be responsible for completing 10 practice assignments on Khan Academy.  In order to do so, cut and paste this link into the URL address box, hit enter, then follow these steps.


To find the practice assignments:

Step 1: Log into Khan Academy using your All Saints email address and password.

Step 2:  Click on Assignments at the top of the page.

Step 3:  Click on the desired assignment you want to complete.

Step 4:  Complete the assignment through Khan Academy.  You may watch the video tutorials and use hints if needed.


Steps to follow if you do not see the Summer Work:

Step 1:  Log into Khan Academy using your All Saints email address and password

Step 2:  Click on “Coaches” at the top of the page.

Step 3:  Type “VKZPSMTB” where the webpage says “Join Class”.  Your assignments should now be visible.


All assignments will be due the first day of school. Please email Mrs. Haller or Ms. Luce with any questions.


Be sure to only complete the lessons that have been assigned.





8th Grade Math Summer Work


Incoming Eighth Graders,


You will be responsible for completing 10 practice assignments on Khan Academy.  In order to do so, cut and paste this link into the URL address box, hit enter, then follow these steps.


To find the practice assignments:

Step 1: Log into Khan Academy using your All Saints email address and password.

Step 2:  Click on Assignments at the top of the page.

Step 3:  Click on the desired assignment you want to complete.

Step 4:  Complete the assignment through Khan Academy.  You may watch the video tutorials and use hints if needed.


Steps to follow if you do not see the Summer Work:

Step 1:  Log into Khan Academy using your All Saints email address and password

Step 2:  Click on “Coaches” at the top of the page.

Step 3:  Type “HY98DJ4W” where the webpage says “Join Class”.  Your assignments should now be visible.


All assignments will be due the first day of school. Please email Mrs. Haller or Ms. Luce with any questions.


Be sure to only complete the lessons that have been assigned.


Summer School  

If you need to take a summer school class here is the link for Educere. This is a company that provides online credit recovery.