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Welcome to Fifth Grade

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The seven sacraments
•The parts of the Mass
•Liturgical Calendar
•Family Life in the Spring
•Prayer Partners
•Anointing Mass in May
•Monthly & Weekly Mass
•Service Projects


•Whole numbers - comparing, ordering, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
•Decimals- comparing, ordering, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
•Fractions- comparing, ordering, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
•Geometry and Measurement


Students will have many opportunities in the classroom to read to themselves, with a partner, with a teacher, and as a whole class. Each child is required to take at least 1 AR (Accelerated Reader) test each month. Tests can be taken on a library book checked out from school or any book of choice that has a test.


Language Arts

•Spelling & Vocabulary
•English – Eight Parts of Speech
•Writing -  Figurative Language creative writing assignment, Fire Prevention essay, Turkey Narrative, Christmas Fictional Story, Catholic Schools Week Essay, Letters to Prayer Partners, poems, and research projects.


HMH Science Dimensions
Engineering and Technology
Energy and Matter in Organisms
Energy and Matter in Ecosystem
Systems in Space
Earth’s Systems

Social Studies

•Geography and Early Societies of the Western Hemisphere
•European Exploration
•Growth of the 13 Colonies
•Declaration of Independence
•U.S. Constitution and Bill of Right
•Three branches of government

Fun Activities in Fifth Grade

Pre-K buddies

Prayer Partners

Dancing Classrooms

Anointing Mass

Field Trips


STREAM - Science. Technology. Religion. Engineering. Art. Math. 

Balancing Robots


Three Little Pigs home

Santa’s Parachute


Seasonal Art projects

STEAM bins